The Books

1980 Tobin Cummins Family Book

We have been working on scanning the 1980 book.  Right now, the easiest format to share is PDF.  The resolution isn't quite the best - but if you want a portable copy of the 1980 book, here you are.  The book is really text again - which means it's searchable, and not just photocopies of pages.

There are TWO versions.  One contains only the 9 sections that made up the core of the book.  That one is < 10Mb and should be emailable.  1980 Book Small

The other incudes the Family Tree section and the Color addon that came from the reunion that year.  That file is > 16 Mb, and may be emailable by most email clients.  1980 Book Full

Note about the process.  We sacrificed a book - and scanned the pages - converting the page images to text & motstly individual photos.  We repositioned every photo and column, occasionally adjusting spacing.  For the most part, the process was clean, but occasionally a capital "I" was confused with a number "1" and similar errors crept in.  We proofed the articles and think we got everything.  If you spot an issue, let us know.  Note too that the Index section in the large book was the least proofed and probably does have some problems.

The next links are to DROPBOX files. the link will take you to the scanned image of the 1985 & 90 book. You can download a copy on the upper left of the Dropbox page.  Page and zoom controls are at the bottom.

1985 Tobin Cummins Family Book Volume II
1990 Tobin Cummins Family Book Volume III

2000 Tobin Cummins Family Book Volume IV

2000 book is large and may take a moment to bring up or download


Before the first Reunion in 1980, a group led by Terry Tobin (YB3C2) contacted the younger members of the family in the effort to put together a book that would help the younger generation get to know one another before the big reunion.

From the Intro page:
We thought this youth directory would highlight the younger generation and in the process allow everyone to get a head start on meeting each other before the reunion in June. Everyone in the family born between 1949 and 1961 was asked to write something about himself/herself and send a photo. 

The result was a 32 page Directory with over 100 family members and spouses.  We have scanned that directory and will present two versions here soon.  One will be a straight up scan of the book.  The other will include an updated Index and some formatting tweaks (because it's so much easier now)

Here is the scanned version - small enough to email to most email cllients.  Look for the updated version soon!

Callan 800 Year books
Callan 800 Year books
Callan 800 (1207-2007), History & Heritage, Companion Volume contains 19 chapters written by both nationally known and local historians. This is a hardback book running to 380 pages, and it is published by Callan Heritage Society, which was founded in 1982.

There is a chapter written by Fr Chuck Tobin in the companion volume about our families history.  The chapter is excerpted here - (a DROPBOX link): Chapter 9 Tobin.pdf
